Fresh & Easy Friends Rewards

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Earn with Your Club Card

Fundraising Coordinators

Getting Started:

  1. If your school is not already registered with eScrip, complete and return the group enrollment form so your organization can start earning funds
  2. Make certain you get the word out:

Have your supporters do the following:

  1. Pick up a Fresh & Easy Friends card at a Fresh & Easy location.
  2. Set-up a Friends account online at
  3. Register their Friends card online with eScrip.
  4. Scan their Friends card at checkout.

And we’ll automatically contribute up to 5% of your supporters’ purchase amount to your group. It’s that easy!

You Make A Difference!

We want to help you run a successful eScrip fundraising program.

Thanks to the participation of eScrip merchants, parents, the community and especially you as the fundraising coordinator, hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised for over 45,000 groups! The coordinator toolkit is designed specifically for you to provide the tools to make your fundraising a huge success.

Get all the tools you need in the coordinator toolkit.

Check out the toolkit

About eScrip

eScrip partners with generous merchants like Fresh & Easy to help our schools & communities.